iPlasmaCMS2 v8.4.24 Hotfix Notes

07/15/2019: Updated Sitemap plugins to improve Search Engine Optimization

The Insercorp Development Team released an update for iPlasmaCMS2 and various Modules improving the Sitemap plugins that generate the XML feeds used by Search Engines to index websites.

iPlasmaCMS2 version 8.4.24

UX/UI Improvements

  • Updated the Sitemap page to include additional Module Content to make it easier for Website Visitors to navigate to Module Content using your Website's "Sitemap" page.

SEO Improvements

  • Updated the Sitemap Plugins for several common Modules to include additional pages in XML feeds:
    • News Module now includes News Article pages that were previously breaking the XML feed if the article title contained special characters pasted from Microsoft Word.
    • Events Module now includes Event Detail pages.
    • Staff Module now includes Staff Profile pages.
    • Departments Module now includes Department subpages.
    • Locations Module now includes Location subpages.
    • Directory Module now includes Directory Listing pages.

FileLibrary 1.2.2 Hotfix

SEO Improvements 

  • Added a Sitemap Plugin for the FileLibrary Module allowing the FileLibrary content to be included in the Sitemap XML feed.

Club Manager 1.0.1 Hotfix

SEO Improvements 

  • Added a Sitemap Plugin for the Club Manager Module allowing the Clubs' pages to be included in the Sitemap XML feed.