Release Notes for PlasmaDrive 2.2.1 Hotfix

06/28/2016: New release includes bug fixes and a new feature.

Upon the release of the PlasmaDrive 2.2 update, the Insercorp Development Team released PlasmaDrive 2.2.1 which contains bug fixes and a new feature which will help to provide users with ease of navigation within the PlasmaDrive Module.

PlasmaDrive 2.2.1 Hotfix

New Features

  • Nested Categories Now Show Sub-Categories

Bug Fixes

  • After the release of PlasmaDrive 2.2, it was determined that title previews were no longer displaying when users hovered over a document title. This bug has been fixed to now show the path when hovering.
  • Previously, titles were being cut off pre-maturely on larger screen displays. This bug has been fixed to now show as much of the title as possible.