iPlasmaCMS2.5 Release Notes
The Insercorp Development Team has deployed the new iPlasmaCMS2 - Version 2.5 update, making it easier to keep users updated and organized.
iPlasmaCMS Version 2.5
- Updated Manage Users interface with new styles
- Added a column to show Admin User Display Names
- Added a column to show Admin User Group membership
- Added ability for Website Administrators to select multiple Users
- Added multi-user Delete
- Added multi-user Group Assignment
- Add/Edit Administrative Users:
- Updated the Add/Edit User Forms
- Added Display Name
- Added Password Strength checker
- Added Confirm Password field
- Added Form Validation to check for Username conflicts
- Admin users now toggle whether or not a user can edit/delete other users.
- Admin Users can no longer accidentally delete their own account
- Administrative User Groups:
- Updated the Add/Edit User Group interface
- Website Users:
- Website Administrators can now delete multiple Website Users at once
- Website Administrators can now assign multiple users to a User Group at once
- NEW Website User Groups:
- Website Users now have their own groups which can be used to restrict which password protected pages website users can access
- Content Manager:
- Password protected Content pages can now be restricted to a specific Website User Group using the new ‘Website User Groups’ dropdown