The development team here at Insercorp is proud to present iPlasmaCMS2.3.2! This update introduces a new Dashboard Notification feature for iPlasmaCMS2 users. This update applies to all users of iPlasmaCMS2 and also includes a bug fix for the News Module.
- The development team here at Insercorp can now communicate important information to you via your CMS dashboard! If there is an important announcement from our company such as important product updates, changes in support hours, or other important information, a Notification Bar will appear on your dashboard with a link to the announcement on the iPlasmaCMS website. You can also dismiss the announcement once you have seen it; it does not return once dismissed.
Manage Pages 2.1.4
- When adding or editing a content page, the ‘Page Title’ field now has a validator which checks all page titles to prevent duplicate names.
Bug Fixes
- Previously, hyphens were not allowed in the names of pages and news articles because they broke page links. This update allows the use of hyphens in titles (hyphens will now be converted to underscores for the search engine friendly URLs).
- Previously, copying/pasting special characters caused broken links if the special characters were not URL friendly. This has been fixed by the new validator which does not allow these characters to be submitted.

The new CMS Dashboard Notifications allow important information to be communicated to you.

The new Pages validator prevents multiple pages from having the same name.

A Bug Fix now allows for hyphens to be used in Page and News Article titles.